Under powder welding wire

– Highest sedimentation rate among fusion welding processes.

– Reduce manpower error as a result of optimal quality.

– Absence of ultraviolet rays and rays.



Can be used in semi-automatic, automatic and machine methods. The advantages of this type of welding include welding without radiation, high quality welding, welding with a smooth surface and without spraying molten droplets. Also, high efficiency electrode deposition and high speed welding are other advantages.

Coil weight: 25 kg

Pallet weight: 1000 kg




Low-manganese carbon steel with copper coating S1 / EL12 / JIS1
Medium-manganese carbon steel with copper coating S2 / EM12 / JIS2
S3 / EH12K / JIS3
Manganese-high carbon steel with copper coating S4 / EH14 / JIS4
Medium-manganese carbon steel with copper coating S2Si / EM12K / JIS2Si
Manganese-medium carbon steel type with copper coating S2Si2 / EM13K / JIS2Si2
Manganese-high carbon steel type with copper coating S3Si / JIS3Si
Low type alloy with copper coating S2Mo / EA1-EA2/  JIS4Mo
Low type alloy with copper coating S4Mo / EA3/ JIS4Mo