TIG welding wire

– Used for hard and non-hard welding ferrous and non-ferrous and in all thicknesses.

– Produces very high quality welds.

– The blade welding process has a lower welding input heat compared to other arc welding methods.

– Very little smoke is generated from the process.



Welding process with TIG electrode

In the process of electric arc welding on non-consumable tungsten electrode with GTAW gas protection or (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) which are called tungsten electrode welding, tungsten inert gas welding (TIG), tungsten-gas welding, Tig is also known as argon welding in Iran. An electric arc is created between the non-consumable electrode and the base metal, and the resulting temperature will cause the parts to melt and join.

The electrode used in this process is often made of tungsten alloy and the molten pool is protected by a neutral gas such as argon or helium. In this process, it is possible to use a consumable with a material similar to the base metal, which leads to an increase in the deposition rate and control of the chemical composition of the weld metal.


Chemical composition of tungsten electrodes

Tungsten electrodes used in the TIG welding process are in the group of non-melting electrodes and according to AWS A5.12 standard, their chemical composition is as follows:

Pure tungsten electrode

Tungsten-thorium electrode (containing 1 to 2% thorium oxide)

Tungsten-zirconium electrode (containing 0.15 to 0.4% zirconium oxide)

Tungsten-Lanthanum Electrode (Containing 1% Lantium Oxide)

Tungsten-cerium electrode (containing 2% cerium oxide)


Advantages of TIG tungsten electrode welding process

Excellent appearance of welding metal

No need for cleaning after welding

Excellent possibility to control welding

Suitable for root pass

Remarkable quality

Possibility of welding with or without the use of consumables